Category Archives: wildlife wednesday

Wildlife Wednesday: Kitten Edition

In addition to my three year get-Mike-to-buy-me-a-french-bulldog campaign, I have also recently launched a get-my-roommate-Domenica-to-allow-a-kitten-in-the-apartment campaign. And it starts here. Mew!

Who could resist those fluffy little faces???!

{All pictures via pinterest}

Wildlife Wednesday: Pumpkin the Cat Edition

This is our family cat, Pumpkin.

She weighs like a buck fifty. She likes to have her belly rubbed. She hisses whenever my dad enters the room.

A pet one could only dream of.

This is Pumpkin when we told her she had to go on a diet.

This is Pumpkin saying “no paparazzi!”

This is Pumpkin’s glamour shot.


And finally, this is Pumpkin when we made her a jean jacket out of a pair of my old jeans. 

You’re welcome.